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टैक्स शामिल। शिपिंग की गणना चेकआउट के समय की जाती है

eBest Proudly Supports Joy Runners for Health and Fitness Initiatives

18 अक्तू॰ 2024

eBest is proud to have been the annual sponsor of Joy Runners in 2023, a vibrant Chinese Australian running group consisting of professionals and young families in Sydney. With regular training, Joy Runners actively compete in major running events across the country, including the Sydney, Canberra, and Gold Coast marathons.

Recently, Joy Runners were featured in the official communications for the Canberra Marathon 2025, proudly wearing their team gear. We are thrilled to support their journey and remain committed to promoting health and wellness initiatives in broader communities. 

Congratulations to the Joy Runners—wishing you continued success in all your upcoming races!

ब्लॉग पर वापस जाएँ

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